Laser cutting

Solar cells are cut into the required size so as to get the desired output from the solar pv module. This is done by a machine called Laser cutter. Laser cutting plays a vital role in the manufacturing process of solar panels, contributing to the precision and efficiency required to produce high-quality photovoltaic modules. Solar panels, also known as solar photovoltaic (PV) panels, are made up of various layers and materials, and laser cutting is primarily used for shaping and processing these components. laser cutting is a critical technology in the solar panel manufacturing process, as it ensures the precise shaping and processing of various components, contributing to the overall efficiency and quality of photovoltaic modules.

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Setting up electrical connections between strings of solar photovoltaic cells involves the stringing process. Cells are stringed together using automated stringing equipment’s (Stringer with two robots and inspection units) employing pre-programmable software. Stringing is a crucial step in the solar panel manufacturing process, particularly in the production of crystalline silicon solar panels. It involves the precise placement and interconnection of solar cells to create a photovoltaic module. The stringing process significantly impacts the efficiency, performance, and overall quality of solar panels.


This step involves linking the cell strings in series or parallel with bus ribbons, in order to give the required shape to the module prior to encapsulation. Strings of cells are laid in proper configuration and each string is connected with bus ribbons to form one interconnected solar module.Bussing is a critical step in the manufacturing process of solar panels, involving the arrangement and interconnection of multiple solar cells within a photovoltaic module. The term “bussing” specifically refers to the process of creating the electrical connections that allow individual solar cells to work together to generate electricity. Proper bussing is essential for optimizing the performance, efficiency, and overall functionality of solar panels.

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Lay up

EVA and back sheets are cut by automatic cutting machine. There are five layers to a solar module comprising of the following:







EL Testing

Once the lay up is done then the module is put through an EL machine where the quality of the cells used in the module is checked and incase there is any cell crack, black cell etc then the same is replaced with a fresh cell.Electroluminescence (EL) testing is a crucial quality control and inspection process in the manufacturing of solar panels. It is primarily used to assess the integrity and performance of photovoltaic modules, especially those made of crystalline silicon solar cells. EL testing is a non-destructive method that helps identify defects, such as microcracks, faulty electrical connections, or other issues that may compromise the efficiency and longevity of solar panels. 

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After EL testing, the PV laminator bonds the multiple layers of material with thermoplastic films and a vacuum process ensures the complete encapsulation of the photovoltaic materials. The interconnected solar PV cells are laminated with clear polymer-like material in highly automated laminators. Lamination is a critical and final step in the manufacturing process of solar panels, where multiple components of the photovoltaic module are encapsulated and sealed together to protect the sensitive solar cells from environmental factors and physical damage. This process is crucial for ensuring the longevity, durability, and performance of solar panels. 


In the next stage the excess polymer sheet is trimmed off from the sides of the laminate with the help of a heated knife. Trimming is a vital step in the manufacturing process of solar panels, ensuring that the final product has the desired dimensions, appearance, and functionality. Solar panels are typically assembled from various components, including solar cells, encapsulant materials, and frame elements, and trimming is essential to achieve precise panel dimensions and a polished appearance. trimming is a critical step in the solar panel manufacturing process, ensuring that panels have the correct dimensions, appearance, and safety features. 

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Anodized aluminum frames are then put on the four sides of the laminate with the help of sealant so as to ensure that the laminate is free from dust, water seepages or other unwanted matter. These aluminum frames have pre-fabricated holes so as to ensure proper and easy installation at the site. Framing is an essential step in the manufacturing process of solar panels, providing structural support and protection to the photovoltaic module. This step involves the installation of a durable frame around the solar cells and other components to ensure the panel’s structural integrity, protect against environmental factors, and facilitate installation.

Junction box Fixing

Fixing a junction box and connection cables to rear side of each polycrystalline solar module comes next. This enables easy electrical integration among modules in the installation site. An electrical connection junction box is mounted and sealed to the back of the module using high quality sealant. Junction box fixing is a crucial step in the manufacturing process of solar panels. The junction box is an integral component of a solar panel that houses electrical connections and wiring, providing a safe and organized interface for connecting the panel to external systems. Properly securing the junction box is essential to ensure its functionality, safety, and long-term performance.

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Once the junction box is fixed to the module then the module is ready and is put through a sun simulator for power output testing under standard test conditions. Testing is a crucial phase in the manufacturing process of solar panels, serving to verify the quality, performance, and reliability of photovoltaic modules before they are released to the market. Rigorous testing is essential to ensure that the solar panels meet industry standards, function as expected, and can withstand environmental stresses. Solar panel testing is essential to guarantee that each panel meets the required quality, safety, and performance standards.


Once the module is tested and QC passed then the modules are packed for delivery to the customer.Packing is the final step in the manufacturing process of solar panels, where finished photovoltaic modules are carefully prepared for storage, transportation, and ultimately, delivery to customers or installation sites. Proper packing is essential to protect the panels from physical damage, environmental factors, and ensure they arrive in perfect condition. 

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